We Walk By Faith

Recently, the devil has been on the attack. Just like #Jezebel ran after #Elijah. Going for blood in my #health, my #ministry, and my God-ordained #relationships. Spewing #lies at me, that I’m not doing something right, that I’m not good enough, or that I’m never going to have the promises that #God has made to me.

It can be easy for us to think that we’re something isn’t God, because there’s fear, doubt, or opposition. Or that God has left us when there’s a battle, a tragedy, or a #pandemic . Maybe you’re doubting a godly relationship because it hasn’t been handed to you on a silver platter. Or you’re wondering where God has gone in the midst of #covid19 . Some of you may be just steps away from throwing in the towel on things that God is just getting ready to bring fully to life! Maybe you’ve been letting the media, your circumstances, fears, and doubts, scream at you to just give up…

What is Love?

Last week I started re-reading the “5 Love Languages-For Her” devotional, in my You Version Bible app. Out of curiosity, I decided to read the For Him version, too. I’m so glad I did…and here’s why…the following devotional puts into words something that I have experienced throughout my entire life; what it feels like to…

The Best Is Yet To Come

I’ve prayed for you every day, for years; but it wasn’t until recently that I started to see things more clearly. I’ve loved this quote, since one of my friends wrote it years ago; but until now, I couldn’t see just how perfectly God can align things…

Not a Single Word Has Changed.

Three years ago today I wrote the words below on Facebook. They were written to my future husband, a man that I had never met, but have prayed for every day for years. This picture was of my tiny attic apartment in the ghetto. It was a place that God taught me a lot about contentment…

The Meaning of Christmas

Last year, as I sat with my #Mom on her death bed; I remember someone telling me to “Rely on my family to help me through it.” All that I could think in that moment, was “I don’t have a family.” For many reasons, in the natural, I was right. I hope that none of you will ever have to feel that way; but I know I’m not the only one. I didn’t have anyone to wear matching pajamas with, carry on #traditions with, or even exchange #presents with, today. I didn’t spend time with a single person that I share the same DNA with, today. I didn’t even see any of my church family, or my God-family, today. I wasn’t on anyone’s guest list, this side of Heaven. In the natural, no one wanted me.
Don’t get me wrong, though. I’m not writing this for anyone to feel sorry for me. Don’t send me some “Oh my gosh, if I would have known..” text. Or call me telling me how “important I am to you, it’s just that…you were with your family.” Just don’t. I’m not writing this for any of you, anyway.
This post is for the other people, who feel unwanted, who cried today, who’ve been rejected, or overlooked. because you felt alone. I’m writing this to tell you, that I understand. That this isn’t the first year that I’ve been in this very same spot. I used to sit and cry every single year. But this year, I decided to do something different. So today, I spent the day with someone else who didn’t have anyone. Instead of running to the tree looking for presents with my name on them …I made sure that there was a present for her to open. We ate good food, and talked. We celebrated Jesus’ birthday, together.
Again, don’t get me wrong. I’m not looking for anyone to pat me on the back, either. Please redirect any glory to the only One who truly deserves it.
But, everyone keeps posting about how family is what Christmas is all about. Every time you turn on the TV, or scroll through social media, it’s “FAMILY, FAMILY, FAMILY.” and this isn’t to bash any of my relatives, or anyone who does have a great family to spend the holidays with. In fact, I think family is amazing; and God willing, I look forward to having a family of my own someday.


“The World’s standards didn’t create me, God did. Society’s norms or opinions didn’t call me, God did. And I refuse to be limited by them, when I am seen, known, and loved; by the One, True, Limitless God.” -@LauraPLytle 

Whose standards are you living for? Are you trying to be a second rate version of someone else, or the very best version of yourself? Will you be brave today, let go, and trust God to bring the very best in your life?

“A flower never thinks of comparing itself to the flower next to it; it just blooms.” -Zen Shin

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

This morning, I was searching for something for Uncle Tom; and made another discovery in the process. I typed in Thomas J…and before I could get to the W, another very familiar name popped up. Thomas John William Mills, my first love from when I was 16. The page that I clicked on, was his…

The Thing I Value Most ( #LongPostAlert )

Many of you, as you read the story below…will remember the time you’ve spent with me. And I want to say thank you…because your time is the most valuable thing to me. You are taking time to read THIS blog, right now, out of billions of other things you could doing. Some of you have helped me out financially or otherwise, or bought me gifts too, and I am beyond grateful for that. But I don’t love any of your for your money, or what “you can do for me”.
I don’t ask everyone to hang out, or get coffee, or make me a significant part of their World. That would be absolutely exhausting! But, for those of you

What Do You Hope For?

For the sake of this blog post, I’m going to assume that there are only two kinds of people in the World…the people who get it, and the people who don’t. (I’m not here to debate whether that is “factual or not”, I’m just stating it as a reference for this post.) The first set…

Thoughts on the New Year

No matter which part of the World you call home, which time zone you reside in, or where you’ll be when the clock turns over to the New Year…2018 is nearly upon us. With each new year that comes and goes, I see many resolutions fall by the wayside, relationships start and end, plans get…


Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the following story;  But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and…

Who You Ridin’ With? 

“Imagine a future moment in your life, where all of your dreams come true. You know it’s the greatest moment of your life, and you get to experience it with one person. Who’s standing next to you?” -One Tree Hill I heard this #quote long ago. Since then, I periodically ask myself this #question when…