Where You Go, I’ll Go

I was reading in Ruth yesterday, and God revealed something to me about the difference between Orpah and Ruth. At first glance, one might miss what is written “between the lines” in this story. But there is something to be said about Ruth’s determination to follow through on her word, and stay with Naomi as…

Reflecting on 2016 

         While reflecting on 2016, I’ve expounded on a blog that I wrote in 2015. Why? Because some of those points are still extremly relevant. And though I learned those things in 2015, as I wrote back then…I experienced them, and learned them to a much deeper extent this past year.  …

Love Letters 

Dear Future Husband, There’s a book I have stashed away. I made it just for you. It’s filled with hopes, dreams, prayers, and pictures. Only one man will ever read it, and that man is you. I didn’t post a pic of it on purpose. Sometimes it probably seems like your whole life is on…

Dancing with Jesus 

       I’ve often told single girls that I counsel, just to dance with Jesus, and He will let the right man join in. It sounds simple enough, but the truth is that most people don’t really know what it means to “dance with Jesus”. So much emphasis in our culture is put on…

It’s Not About You 

This is one of the shortest blogs I’ve ever written. mostly because the video says it all. In the midst of the rush and chaos that surrounds this holiday…it is easy to forget a few things. As some of you sit down to make beautiful memories with your family, remember those who may not have…

I Wish That I Could Be Like The Cool Kids 

          You are never going to completely fulfill your destiny, if you keep hanging around and taking advice, from people who are jealous of who you’re becoming. They don’t love you! Love does not rejoice about injustice. They like what you can do for them. They like that they can manipulate you…